TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的

TISSUE ISSUE ISS.011 M’s & K's / M的和K的


Regular price $80.00 Sale


“M’s & K’s” 中出现了三家位于美国加州有些特别的M餐厅,分别是一家保留早期M logo单拱造型的餐厅;与在第一间M餐厅原址上重新修建的一个M博物馆,现在由某烤鸡连锁店老板运营;以及一间绿色logo背景的M餐厅。

另外还出现了三台K餐厅的套餐赠品相机,分别是80年代投入美国市场的红色50mm镜头红色照相机,和90年代在中国大陆地区投放的奇奇照相机,以及2000年左右在日本市场发布的带有“orignial frame”功能的K相机。



Exploring the differences behind the seemingly highly standardized food industry through three KFC cameras sold in different countries and three uniquely styled McDonald's in Southern California.

In "M's & K's", we encounter three distinctive McDonald's outlets located in California: one that retains the early single arch M logo design; another built upon the original site of the first McDonald's restaurant, now operated by the owner of a certain chicken franchise, and functioning as a McDonald's museum; and a third featuring a green logo backdrop.

In addition, we see three promotional cameras from KFC: a red 50mm lens camera from the 1980s released in the U.S., the QiQi camera introduced in mainland China during the 1990s, and a KFC camera with an "original frame" feature released in Japan around the year 2000.

The fast-food industry, representative of industrialized food, has standardized American agriculture and continued this practice to the present day. Yet, while emphasizing a strong brand image, there are unique outlets within the same region and diversely designed, inexpensive cameras launched in different countries and periods. This clear yet ambiguous sentiment prompts questions about the feasibility of standardization shaping contemporary society and the roles that product labels play. It's akin to the Asian boy depicted in the photos, each time holding a camera from a different region - who exactly is he in terms of identity?

The supplementary product for this issue is a waterproof 35mm film camera.

about EggPlant鹅卵茄
在对 “eggplant“ 英文一词的凝视中,我们意识到茄子的命名可能是由一颗形似鹅蛋的白茄子而来,这个单词成型背后包含了类型学,造词现象,图像翻译等可发散讨论的方向。受此启发,我们将EggPlant译为鹅卵茄。鹅卵茄旨在发现艺术家和个人,共同探索艺术和商品之间的缝隙的可能性。

Staring at the term “eggplant” , we realized its name likely got from a white oval aubergine in 19 century. The structure of the term could extend to a discussion of typology, phenomenon of coinage and image translation, and so on. Inspired by this mishmash experience, EggPlant aims to collaborate with artists and creative individuals to explore the possibility of the niche between art and merchandise.

TISSUE ISSUE是鹅卵茄EggPlant2022年创办的期刊zine项目。TISSUE ISSUE字面翻译为纸巾问题,也可以是薄纸杂志。是一本⻚数不确定,关注点发散,定期更新的爱好者杂志,为艺术爱好者们提供出版物与产品之间的对话。

TISSUE ISSUE is a periodical zine project founded by EggPlant in 2022. Each issue focus on omnivorous subjects, in the form of flexible pages, to create the conversation between publication and product for artist and amateur.