Notre Pain Quotidien
Notre Pain Quotidien
Notre Pain Quotidien
Notre Pain Quotidien
Notre Pain Quotidien
Notre Pain Quotidien
Notre Pain Quotidien
Notre Pain Quotidien
Notre Pain Quotidien

Notre Pain Quotidien

Lalie Thébault Maviel

Regular price $42.00 Sale

An edition like an archaeology of our more or less contemporary iconography of bread.
A lacunary and subjective encyclopedia that reflects its presence in our lives and its political, social, economic, and aesthetic evolutions.

The book Notre Pain Quotidien (literally: Our Daily Bread) is a collection of images presented in the form of 156 iconographic spreads. Sourced from various media and mediums such as social networks, cookbooks, educational manuals, and audiovisual archives, these images have been printed to the same scale, cut out, and manually arranged on the confined space of A4 sheets.

Transitioning from crumbs to wholeness, these spreads group together different aspects of the culture and iconography of bread without hierarchization, but thematically. As the pages unfold, a collective memory emerges around this staple food which acts as a catalyst for community—covering its production to its most varied uses.

Editorial design : Lalie Thébault Maviel
Layout : Ninon Chaboud (Ninon y Jimmy)
Typefaces : Baskerville

Language: French
21 x 29,7 cm
178 pages
Inside papers : Munken Print White 90 g
Cover paper : Environment Desert Storm 270 g
Perfect Binding
Third edition of 200 copies

With the support of : Amis des Beaux-Arts de Paris.

Octobre / October 2024
ISBN : 979-10-96155-58-3