Lost Dog Zine is inspired by a wide range of DIYed flyers for missing pets. We re-appropriated the layout for those flyers crowdsourced online and created a series of dog illustration as the main characters for lost dogs . This book also includes an actual flyer that could be distributed separately.
灵感来自于互联网上散播的寻狗启示招贴。有关设计部门和发烧狗创作了一系列FEVER DOG的形象作为Lost狗的主体,以丰富庞大的野生排版设计为原材料进行了再创作并整理成册。
Page Bureau (书局) is the self-publishing practice of the independent graphic design studio, RELATED DEPARTMENT (有关设计部门) from Shanghai. They publish printed matter and digital files designed with/for their artist/designer/illustrator/architect friends.
书局(Page Bureau)成立于2018年,是有关设计部门(RELATED DEPARTMENT)内部的自出版单位,致力于输出和朋友们一起构想、设计、发行的各类型印刷物及虚拟电子文本。有关设计部门(RELATED DEPARTMENT)是2017年在上海成立的平面设计工作室,我们投身于新鲜的设计尝试/视觉探索/文化产出,关注后网络、后殖民设计语境下的图像和文字创作机制。
40 p. plus flyer