prompt: issue 5 (Provenance Research)
prompt: issue 5 (Provenance Research)

prompt: issue 5 (Provenance Research)

Anna Plesset & Kathryn Brackney

Regular price $15.00 Sale

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Provenance Research compiles a crowdsourced series of vernacular photos that suggest comparison to works of art, attesting to how artworks linger in the mind and enmesh themselves in a viewer’s daily reality, both high and low. The publication takes its cue from an Instagram account of the same name collaboratively run by prompt: editors Nicole Kaack and Mira Dayal from 2018 through 2021.

Works by 

Hironori Akutagawa, Darren Bader, Uta Barth, Katie Bell, François-Joseph Bosio, Louise Bourgeois, André Cadere, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Alex Da Corte, Marie-Michelle Deschamps, Sarah Goodridge, Andreas Gursky, Hans Haacke, Gordon Hall, Leslie Hewitt, Lauren Halsey, Ellsworth Kelly, Anselm Kiefer, Agnieszka Kurant, Yayoi Kusama, Zoe Leonard, Édouard Manet, Teresa Margolles, Ana Mendieta, Piet Mondrian, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Catherine Murphy, Isamu Noguchi, Georgia O’Keeffe, Liliana Porter, Seth Price, Gerhard Richter, Bernardo Salcedo, Richard Serra, Lieko Shiga, Stephen Shore, Robert Smithson, Valeska Soares, and Luc Tuymans

photographed by

Nora Chellew, Mira Dayal, Curtis Eckley, Maxine Henryson, Nicole Kaack, Trevor King, Virginia L. Montgomery, Tyna Ontko, Suspended Reason, Shreya Sahai, Cristóbal Sciutto, sgp, Pallavi Surana, Al Svoboda, Daniel Terna, Grace VanValey, Joseph Wilcox, and Nechama Winston


prompt: presents Provenance Research: Publication Launch and Walking Tour | Aug 29, 2024 6-7:30 PM