Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto)
Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto)
Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto)
Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto)
Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto)
Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto)
Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto)
Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto)
Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto)
Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto)
Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto)

Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto)

Marco Baravalle, Emanuele Braga, Gabriella Riccio, Federica Timeto (Institute of Radical Imagination)

Regular price $28.00 Sale

Art for Radical Ecologies is a platform impulsed by Institute of Radical Imagination that brings together art workers and eco-activists to discuss the role art can play in the creation of new radical ecologies. The Art for Radical Ecologies Manifesto is the initial result of our collective writing, to reflect on the positioning and role of art within the interconnected struggles for climate and ecological justice. The essays in the book expand on the main points presented in the 16 articles of the Manifesto: the need to intertwine new materialisms and historical materialism; the specification of who the subjects of the struggles are in a more-than-human perspective; the setting of possible strategies against censorship and artwashing, and a radical critique of extractivism and colonialism.

Andrea Conte (Andreco), Léna Balaud, Marco Baravalle, Manuel Borja-Villel, Emanuele Braga, Ashley Dawson, Rosa Jijón and Francesco Martone, Oliver Ressler, Tiziana Terranova, The Experimental Station for Research on Art and Life (Ovidiu Țichindeleanu, Raluca Voinea), The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination (Isa Fremeaux, Jay Jordan), Federica Timeto, Igor Vamos, Françoise Vergès (with Maddalena Fragnito, Marco Baravalle)

11.2×17.8cm, 240pp
2 colors offset

Cover graphic assorted