No.3 Yellow the Plum | Solo Exhibition by Shengbin Wu

Yellow The Plum

solo exhibition by Shengbin Wu
Exhibition Dates: April 28 - May 4, 2018
Opening Reception: April 28, Friday, 7-10 pm
(Free & open to the public)

3standardstoppage gallery,
444 Union St, San Francisco, CA 94133


The darkness, the unknown, the isolating ambiguity, the unnatural shaped- environments and the unfamiliar spaces all linger in the dark until the light revealing them to our eyes.

23 months ago, Shengbin Wu moved to Daly City from China. The humidity echoes “Huang Mei” season in his hometown, which is located in the south-east of China. The unique rainy season alternating from spring to summer is called “Huang Mei”Yellow Plumsince the raining season starts as the plums reaching to their maturity.

In Wu’s solo exhibition in 3standardstoppage gallery — Yellow The Plum, the artist has been pulling out different elements hidden in the darkness and stretching the comfort zones that the light provides when camera flashing. The edge has been nearly breaking down in this humid atmosphere all crossing the Pacific.