Imagine traveling across the Sahara in the 1930s by bus with the Trans-Saharan General Transport Company, or serving remote villages as a doctor in the Congo and Rwanda. To avoid a fuel breakdown en route, people relied on Shell, which installed drinking water and fuel supply stations every few hundred kilometers. These were marked in their guidebook to ‘Automobile and Air Tourism’ and carried religiously by daring motorists. This book of illustrations is based on a copy of the book given to the illustrator by a friend. He sketches simplified versions of the trucks, fuel pumps, mosques, and other points of interest printed in the original guidebook.
ISBN : 978-2-902565-11-5
Format/Size : Fac-similé à l’échelle 1 du cahier original, 31 x 22,5 cm
Papiers/Papers :
Fedrigoni Arena Rough 120g
Fedrigoni Materica Kraft 250g