te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会
te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会

te magazine N°1 The Lost Society / 失落的协会

te magazine

Regular price $42.00 Sale

N°1 The Lost Society

There cannot be more possibilities and layers of complexity embodied in food throughout human development. On one hand, it constructed a system that assembles taste, cultural memory and historical movements; on the other hand, the correlation between food and geography provides a hidden motivation to examine human behaviours and social transformation. This inaugural issue of te magazine adopts Ye Wuji's "The Lost Society" as the central theme. The term "lost" means ephemeral silence and enfeeblement rather than disappearance and extinction. This means that many cultures only dissipated temporarily, and some are metamorphised. Food happens to witness this transition, and the word "society" refers to a collective destiny. In this issue, we invited 13 creative practitioners of different disciplines — to bring in and reflect upon their respective expertise, knowledge system and research trajectories from and in anthropology, sociology, and contemporary art — to explore food as a multi-faceted intricacy, at the same time reconstruct the relationship between food and geography.

Editorial excerpts: https://te-magazine.com/Editorial


2020 年年末,疫情似乎彻底改变了我们的生活,所有的国际旅行被尽数取消,与各国朋友的交流也只能通过网络,这种联系方式变得脆弱。我们几乎断掉了与世界其他地区的实质性连接,这种“失联”不仅充满着不确定性,也使我们在一定程度上丢失了旁观的视角, 以至于不知道自己究竟身处于怎样的位置。 另外,在宏观层面上,全球演化出了不同形式的地区主义与民族主义,大家各说各话,“隔离”仿佛成了世界上唯一的通用词。人们被迫分隔在各自的孤岛,在虚拟世界的一端感受着愈演愈烈的意识形态之争。我们不奢望去重新连接世界,但期望打造出一个帮助不同领域的研究者和创作者沟通的平台,并为他/她们的思考沉淀提供出口。te 可能是一颗探路石,是对未知领域的试探与碰撞,目的是制造出一个致力于当下的对话空间。《te》取自闽南语“茶”的发音:[dæ],该音系统佐证了早期全球化的流动轨迹,从泉州港为起点的海上丝绸之路到达欧洲,成为人们熟知的 tea。tea 的发音在今天依然鲜活,然而我们大多已忘记其词源,也无意追溯它的转化过程。于是,我们期望打造一本具有“流动性” 的刊物,流动性代表着当代文化的一种生存状态,也指向联动的实践倾向,我们希望以写作和记录的方式激活这种实践,并在物质发展与文化观念二者的脱节中捕捉藏匿其中的现象,生产出新的话语。



About te magazine

te is an annual bilingual publication on contemporary arts and cultural anthropology. Based on specific themes of each issue, we commission practitioners from different expertise to explore the dynamic cultural landscape between regions. The topics include the fluidity of cultures, languages and ideas in specific communities and the adaptation of individual narratives to the shifting social environment and geopolitics.

te aims to create an open and shared creative platform. The content can range from written articles, interviews, poems and photographs etc. We would also love to include manuscripts, notes, archives and other first-hand materials that documents or go along with the outcome. We hope to see the provided content as an extension of the author's daily practice; at the same time, we look forward to generating new forms of content through communication with the author.



Editors: Michael Guo & Kechun Qin / 郭鹤天 & 秦可纯

Artists: Cao Yu / 曹雨, Cooking Sections / 烹饪部门, Tang Han & Zhou Xiao Peng / 唐菡 & 周霄鹏, Yia Vang, Alvin Luong / 梁超洪, Wolfgang Tillmans / 沃尔夫冈·提尔曼斯, Ye Wuji / 叶无忌, Elia Nurvista / 艾丽亚·内薇斯塔, Gu Tao / 顾桃, Mary Jean Chan / 陳瓊瑪, Felix Chan / 陈浩源

Graphic Design: Can Yang / 杨灿


Size: 185x260mm
Pages: 160p
Languages: Chinese & English
Hectograph, thread-bound
Edition of 2000
ISBN 978-1-7368389-8-3