Synchron Magazine Issue 02: SPIDER LILY ARC
Synchron Magazine Issue 02: SPIDER LILY ARC
Synchron Magazine Issue 02: SPIDER LILY ARC
Synchron Magazine Issue 02: SPIDER LILY ARC
Synchron Magazine Issue 02: SPIDER LILY ARC
Synchron Magazine Issue 02: SPIDER LILY ARC
Synchron Magazine Issue 02: SPIDER LILY ARC
Synchron Magazine Issue 02: SPIDER LILY ARC
Synchron Magazine Issue 02: SPIDER LILY ARC

Synchron Magazine Issue 02: SPIDER LILY ARC

Synchron Magazine

Regular price $33.00 Sale

It is as always a wild remix of the most contemporary processes from under-, parallel- and non-mainstream art scenes, this time with a focus on the diamond shaped connections spanning through NYC-LONDON-BERLIN-TOKYO.

Released in June 2023
160 pages - no ads - 21x28,5 cm
ISBN: 2701-4630

Contributors and chapters:

Santiago Licata - Una Moneda.
Bod - Entrant via Non-Contributory Stasis Logs 2203-2301 (recovered)
Rolf Nowotny - Nocliplilt
Lena Kuzmich - Interface
Len Sander - Body Modifications
Post-Organic Bauplan - Fase de Cicatrización
Lou Ellingson + Youri Johnson - Eau de Chaos
Jamieson Pearl - LSD (life’s so deadly)
Bryce Kroll - Residuum
Luki von der Gracht - Inside My Notebook - A kind of love
Amanda Bodell + Gustaf Holtenäs - Futuristic Cave Life 2
Andrew Rutherdale - Physarum Mazes
Jonathan Lyon - Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome
Mitchel Peters - A Message From The Forest
Renée Paule - Duels & Dealbreakers
Jonas Mölzer - Toyboy
Sinae Yoo + Sam Lubicz - Sigma Corp
Elliot Frydenberg - One-Winged Angel
Alfred Francis Pietroni - Mana Vault
Luis Schrümpf - Heaven was never far
Shigemi + Lena Grace Suda - Material Girl, Spiritual Girl: Shigemi is Every Girl
Samuel Wendland + Shimamoto - Eternal Silent Scattering
International Offspace Network - Dirty Laundry
Joe Greer - Cloud Carrier 01
011668 - New American Metaphysics
Bendt Eyckermans - Ancestral dialogues and image-making
Lev Sibilla - The Death of a Horse
Hannah Rose Stewart - Depot

Lea Klöpel

Art Direction
Hans Löffler
Lea Klöpel
Johannes Farfsing
JoJakob Hübner (3D)

Special thanks to
Ben Sang
Marina Moro
Jannik S. 


Synchron is an independent magazine dedicated to showcasing a broad spectrum of contemporary art, literature, subcultural practices, especially those developed in antagonism with, or parallel to, larger commercial art markets. It is an experimental print publication and curatorial platform for exchange and collaboration.

Synchron provides its readers with an opportunity to discover ambitious, emerging artists beyond online platforms; and gives its contributors a versatile option to present their work.

This project grew out of our admiration for  international communities, and our subsequent desire to build one of our own – with the particular understanding that young, self-taught artists and students still form a minority in the current art related print landscape.

Furthermore, in the course of conversations with these artists a clear consensus emerged: we feel that the value of (new) artworks is being diminished by endless proliferation of online publications accessed largely through the small shiny scrolling screens of smartphones. This was a major factor in our decision to choose print as our medium.