Counterfictions / 边境怪谈
Counterfictions / 边境怪谈
Counterfictions / 边境怪谈
Counterfictions / 边境怪谈
Counterfictions / 边境怪谈
Counterfictions / 边境怪谈
Counterfictions / 边境怪谈
Counterfictions / 边境怪谈
Counterfictions / 边境怪谈
Counterfictions / 边境怪谈
Counterfictions / 边境怪谈
Counterfictions / 边境怪谈
Counterfictions / 边境怪谈

Counterfictions / 边境怪谈

Chris Zhongtian Yuan

Regular price $40.00 Sale

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“Counterfictions” is an artwork by London-based artist Chris Zhongtian Yuan, in which the artist experiments with video, fiction, sound, architecture and performance to query political policy and social connections. “Counterfictions” uses Donald Trump as a starting point, as he builds a fictional wall in the public imagination. The film questions what happens when the world leans towards populism and conservatism. The sound architecture piece constructs alternative realities of ecological collapse after the construction of Trump’s border wall proposal. Layers of sound are combined with shadowy shots of arid landscapes. Facts and statistics from scientists, journalists and the former President’s speeches are referenced. The piece reaches a crescendo as a biologist tracks a genetically mutated species along the US Mexico border. The artist received The 2020 Aesthetica Art Prize’s Emerging Prize for “Counterfictions”. This publication is designed by RELATED DEPARTMENT as an archive folder of loose leaves containing research materials, video stills, diagrams, model prototypes and other related files for this artwork.


Page Bureau (书局) is the self-publishing practice of the independent graphic design studio, RELATED DEPARTMENT (有关设计部门) from Shanghai. They publish printed matter and digital files designed with/for their artist/designer/illustrator/architect friends. 

书局(Page Bureau)成立于2018年,是有关设计部门(RELATED DEPARTMENT)内部的自出版单位,致力于输出和朋友们一起构想、设计、发行的各类型印刷物及虚拟电子文本。有关设计部门(RELATED DEPARTMENT)是2017年在上海成立的平面设计工作室,我们投身于新鲜的设计尝试/视觉探索/文化产出,关注后网络、后殖民设计语境下的图像和文字创作机制。

64 p., 1 Flyer, & 4 Fold outs
21.5 x 28 xcm