TISSUE ISSUE ISS.005 Blink-Blink / 羁绊链接
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.005 Blink-Blink / 羁绊链接
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.005 Blink-Blink / 羁绊链接
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.005 Blink-Blink / 羁绊链接
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.005 Blink-Blink / 羁绊链接
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.005 Blink-Blink / 羁绊链接
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.005 Blink-Blink / 羁绊链接
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.005 Blink-Blink / 羁绊链接
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.005 Blink-Blink / 羁绊链接
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.005 Blink-Blink / 羁绊链接
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.005 Blink-Blink / 羁绊链接
TISSUE ISSUE ISS.005 Blink-Blink / 羁绊链接

TISSUE ISSUE ISS.005 Blink-Blink / 羁绊链接

鹅卵茄/TISSUE ISSUE, meltingwang王宇琛

Regular price $38.00 Sale


meltingwang王宇琛将⾃自⼰己作品中⼤大量量出现的链条与链接进⾏行行⼀一次图像串串联:从油 画中的中世纪意⼤大利利贵族佩戴着象征财富和地位的office chain,到由Slick Rick引领rapper佩戴巨型项链的⻛风潮,隐约刻在DNA⾥里里的珠宝恐惧症,由监狱⽂文化延伸出来的chain gang(链锁囚犯),以及穿插了了meltingwang早期油画再到近期作品中以链条为元素的雕塑作品。链条作为⼀一个常⻅见但却不不起眼且带有多层含义的符号在当今仍旧在延续着它⽭矛盾的含义。永恒的圆圈与其他圆圈相连,没有起点也没有终点,Blink-BlinkBling-BlingLink组合在⼀一起的结果。


Meltingwang (Wang Yuchen) connects the chains and links that frequently appear in his works, analyzing from a different perspective the origins of this visual symbol in his art.

Meltingwang (Wang Yuchen) connects the frequently appearing chains and links in his works visually: from oil paintings of medieval Italian nobles wearing the "office chain" symbolizing wealth and status, to the trend led by Slick Rick of rappers wearing oversized necklaces, the subtly inscribed fear of jewelry in our DNA, the "chain gang" (chained prisoners) stemming from prison culture, as well as the sculptures featuring chains in Melting Wang's early oil paintings and recent works. Chains, as a common yet inconspicuous symbol with multilayered meanings, continue to carry its contradictory significance today. Eternal circles linked with other circles, having neither a starting point nor an endpoint. "Blink-Blink" is the result of combining "Bling-Bling" and "Link".

Accompanying this issue is a 'Bonding Links scarf' designed by Meltingwang.

about EggPlant鹅卵茄
在对 “eggplant“ 英文一词的凝视中,我们意识到茄子的命名可能是由一颗形似鹅蛋的白茄子而来,这个单词成型背后包含了类型学,造词现象,图像翻译等可发散讨论的方向。受此启发,我们将EggPlant译为鹅卵茄。鹅卵茄旨在发现艺术家和个人,共同探索艺术和商品之间的缝隙的可能性。

Staring at the term “eggplant” , we realized its name likely got from a white oval aubergine in 19 century. The structure of the term could extend to a discussion of typology, phenomenon of coinage and image translation, and so on. Inspired by this mishmash experience, EggPlant aims to collaborate with artists and creative individuals to explore the possibility of the niche between art and merchandise.

TISSUE ISSUE是鹅卵茄EggPlant2022年创办的期刊zine项目。TISSUE ISSUE字面翻译为纸巾问题,也可以是薄纸杂志。是一本⻚数不确定,关注点发散,定期更新的爱好者杂志,为艺术爱好者们提供出版物与产品之间的对话。

TISSUE ISSUE is a periodical zine project founded by EggPlant in 2022. Each issue focus on omnivorous subjects, in the form of flexible pages, to create the conversation between publication and product for artist and amateur.