Available Space / 可用空间
Available Space / 可用空间
Available Space / 可用空间
Available Space / 可用空间
Available Space / 可用空间
Available Space / 可用空间
Available Space / 可用空间
Available Space / 可用空间
Available Space / 可用空间
Available Space / 可用空间
Available Space / 可用空间
Available Space / 可用空间
Available Space / 可用空间

Available Space / 可用空间

RJ Tripodi

Regular price $22.00 Sale

Available Space is about finding environments that have an empty clearing. Those openings, be they beside a monument, hidden in a back-alley or a tourist-mobbed landmark, provide the inspiration for the sculpture in the Available Space Images.

For this project, RJ Tripodi explores the photographic souvenir as a site in itself. The photograph becomes the inspiration for a digitally modeled sculpture that is then rendered and fit back into the photograph. The project is about the relationship between the void space in 2D photography and the 3D model made based on qualities found in the photograph. which provides the inspiration for modeling digital sculptures that could potentially be situated on the site. 

《可用空间》这本书始于艺术家RJ Tripodi对于环境中空白空间的探索。这些空白–存在于在纪念碑旁,后巷的角落,亦或是挤满游客的地标,当它被相机记录下来的时候,都成为了艺术家用来创作“可用空间”雕塑的场地以及灵感来源。这种二维照片空间与三维数字模型所形成的空间所产生的呼应与冲突构形成了一种模糊的新的空间维度。

Page Bureau (书局) is the self-publishing practice of the independent graphic design studio, RELATED DEPARTMENT (有关设计部门) from Shanghai. They publish printed matter and digital files designed with/for their artist/designer/illustrator/architect friends. 

书局(Page Bureau)成立于2018年,是有关设计部门(RELATED DEPARTMENT)内部的自出版单位,致力于输出和朋友们一起构想、设计、发行的各类型印刷物及虚拟电子文本。有关设计部门(RELATED DEPARTMENT)是2017年在上海成立的平面设计工作室,我们投身于新鲜的设计尝试/视觉探索/文化产出,关注后网络、后殖民设计语境下的图像和文字创作机制。

108 pages
6.5 inches x 9 inches