The Halcyon Days
The Halcyon Days
The Halcyon Days
The Halcyon Days
The Halcyon Days
The Halcyon Days
The Halcyon Days
The Halcyon Days
The Halcyon Days
The Halcyon Days
The Halcyon Days
The Halcyon Days
The Halcyon Days
The Halcyon Days

The Halcyon Days

Isabella Nitto & Luca Baioni

Regular price $26.00 Sale

The Halcyon Days [A Dialogue Between] Isabella Nitto & Luca Baioni

“Isabella’s and Luca’s images have always had a flirtatious relationship in my mind. I don’t find the darkness in these images to be forced or “anti-something”. I feel like they both get some sort of satisfaction in being visitors in someone else’s past, sometimes changing it by interacting, sometimes just observing from a distance. What I had found to be vibrating in the core of these images had something to do with memory, but I can’t quite remember it… This is the last of the halcyon days. Hailstorms are coming.”

Photographs by Isabella Nitto & Luca Baioni
Editorial Concept and Layout by Ali Beşikçi
Book Design by Bülent Erkmen
Pre-press by Barış Akkurt, BEK
Printed and bound by Ofset Yapımevi