The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot
The Big Rot

The Big Rot


Regular price $38.00 Sale

The Big Rot is Zone’s second collective book and it features 46 artists from all around the world. The open call didn’t have a specific theme, but the following text was included in the guidelines:

"As usual, the theme will reveal itself during the selection process. We are not interested in seeing your most beautiful photographs. We would like to see images that are true to themselves and to yourself as an artist. Perhaps images that you wouldn’t include in a submission because they’re not fresh or contemporary enough. We would like to see what has rotten in your archives, yet has stayed in touch with you, what you have left to decay because you weren’t ready to get into a dialogue with it. Perhaps we are! Photographs that use light to talk about darkness, that suggest instead of showing."

16 x 23 cm portrait
108 Pages
Sections sewn, softcover binding

Concept & Design by Ali Beşikçi
Printed and bound by Ofset Yapımevi

Artists of the issue: Alaa Mansour, Ali Beşikçi, Anna Rogneby, Aurelian Cafadaru, Aylene Lievens, Benedetta Sanrocco, Björn Nilsson, Brage Kaale, Catharine Neilson, Cemil Batur Gökçeer, Chiara Benzi, Clément Poché, Dan Yang, Dario Mannucci, Darius Mackenzie, Ekaterina Lukoshkova, Ellie Lafferty, Emily George, Emma Martin, Federica Bocchi, Filippo Giani, Juan Manuel Melero, Judith Adataberna, Kristen Roles, Line Bøhmer Løkken, Louisa Boeszoermeny, Lycien-David Csery, Marco Marzocchi, Marina Bezrukova, Marisol Mendez, Matteo Lisanti, Matthias Pasquet, Monty Kaplan, Ohlsson/Dit-Cilinn, Özge Taylan, Polly Hummel, Renata Kasimova, Saint Profanus, Snorre Petlund, Soeren Baptism, Thomas Cesaretti, Thomas Gauthier, Vlad Bulenkov, Wenkai Wang, Wouter Van de Voorde, Yana Kononova