Bulletins of The Serving Library #12: Perspective
Bulletins of The Serving Library #12: Perspective
Bulletins of The Serving Library #12: Perspective
Bulletins of The Serving Library #12: Perspective

Bulletins of The Serving Library #12: Perspective

Francesca Bertolotti-Bailey, Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey, Angie Keefer, David Reinfurt

Regular price $25.00 Sale

This issue comprises various outlooks on “perspective.” This might be taken to mean something as specific as a particular opinion or as general as an axonometric projection; in short, different ways and means of looking at the world. And so we find Vincenzo Latronico attempting to get in touch with E.T., a collection of Lucy McKenzie’s illusory quodlibets, a conversation between Jumana Manna and Robert Wyatt on art and ethics, a timely analysis of “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” by Sarah Demeuse, along with other points of view from Mark de Silva, Jocelyn Penny Small, Abigail Reynolds, James Langdon & Mathew Kneebone, Johan Hjerpe, and the inimitable 9mother9horse9eyes9.

January 2017, English
11.8×16.5 cm, 200 pages, 23 b/w and 36 color ill., softcover
ISBN 978-3-95679-307-3
Design: Dexter Sinister