A PHANTOM WITHOUT A BODY CAN POSSESS ANY BODY : Notes on the Censorship-Effect of Film Festivals and K-movie Phenomenon
A PHANTOM WITHOUT A BODY CAN POSSESS ANY BODY : Notes on the Censorship-Effect of Film Festivals and K-movie Phenomenon

A PHANTOM WITHOUT A BODY CAN POSSESS ANY BODY : Notes on the Censorship-Effect of Film Festivals and K-movie Phenomenon

Yoo Un-seong

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A text by South Korean film critic Un-Seong discusses the subtle but powerful censorship effects generated by the work-function system of major International Film Festivals, especially in relation to Asian cinema. It provides examples of Japanese and Filipino films, the K-movie phenomenon, and the role of the work-function system in the landscape of Asian co-production and collaboration.

이 소책자는 더북소사이어티와 베를린의 리딩룸인 공동의 출판(Common Imprint)가 공동으로 발행하는 ‹文章, 텍스트들, Texte, Texts› 총서이다. 한국의 영화비평가인 유운성의 <유령과 파수꾼들>(2020, 미디어버스) 개정판에 수록되었던 '영화제의 검열-효과에 관한 노트'을 확장한 텍스트로 칸느나 베니스와 같은 전 세계 주요 국제영화제 시스템이 아시아 영화에 대해 만들어내는 검열 효과에 대한 문제의식에서 쓰여진 것이다. 지난 글이 일본과 필리핀의 사례에 집중했다면 이번 글은 봉준호나 박찬욱 같은 케이 시네마로 호명되는 한국영화의 혼종성에 대한 논의에서 '한국영화 자체가 하나의 장르가 된', 즉 신체없는 유령과 같은 존재로서 한국영화의 위상에 대해 이야기한다. 이 텍스트는 황동혁 감독의 <수상한 그녀>, 부산국제영화제를 거치면서 한국영화의 "신체없음"에 대한 진단으로 확장하며 마무리된다.

Saddle stitch binding, 99x148 mm, 40 pages

About the author 저자 소개

Yoo Un-seong is a Korean film critic and co-publisher of OKULO, a journal of cinema and the moving image. He worked as the programmer of the Jeonju International Film Festival (2004–2012) and the program director of the Moonji Cultural Institute SAII (2012–2014).

Excerpt 책 속에서

"Korean cinema has finally become a genre unto itself. In other words, a phantom name has finally become a genre unto itself. But a phantom has no body." (page 35)

"Furthermore, the system in which BIFF exercises a censorship-effect and divides/ allocates work-functions is not autonomous and reproduces the problematic systems of other major film festivals such as Cannes, Venice, and Berlin. In other words, while BIFF claims to be a platform for cultural exchange among Asian films and filmmakers, in reality, it tends to select and showcase Korean films that can be accepted at major Western film festivals, and mainly promote Asian films that have already been approved and assigned a work-function at those festivals." (page 39)

Series Introduction 총서 소개

‹文章, 텍스트들, Texte, Texts› is a zine series that serves as a vibrant conduit for cultural dialogue between Asia and Europe. Through a diverse array of texts spanning languages, genres, and perspectives, the series aims to facilitate a dynamic dialogue, fostering understanding, connection, and mutual appreciation between these two rich and diverse regions.