Dream State Code Of Conduct
Dream State Code Of Conduct
Dream State Code Of Conduct
Dream State Code Of Conduct
Dream State Code Of Conduct
Dream State Code Of Conduct
Dream State Code Of Conduct
Dream State Code Of Conduct
Dream State Code Of Conduct
Dream State Code Of Conduct
Dream State Code Of Conduct

Dream State Code Of Conduct

Irena Haiduk

Regular price $20.00 Sale

Visit the year 2136 for a minimum of 43 minutes.

Dream State Code Of Conduct generates and orients your Biotic Tag, a form of embodied ID marker allowing you to visit the Altamira Cave Complex (ACC) in the year 2136. The ACC was the first site equipped with a dimensional translator, the device allowing it to speak, following the Climate Asset Wars.

Irena Haiduk currently lives and works in the year 2136. She is available through a transmitter tethered to her biotic tag.

In 2024, all Yugoexport products, including the ACC Entry Permit, are transacted through a flexible pricing economy based on the income level of the passenger.

Please choose your income level when purchasing your ticket.

42 pages, Paperback, 10 × 18 cm
ISBN 978-3-68917-000-4

Artist: Irena Haiduk
Co-published with Yugoexport
Design: Irena Haiduk, Jan Steinbach