Decolonize Futures Vol. 3 "Ainu and De/colonization"『アイヌと脱/植民地化』

Decolonize Futures Vol. 3 "Ainu and De/colonization"『アイヌと脱/植民地化』

Decolonize Futures 複数形の未来を脱植民地化する

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In contemporary Japanese society, there is a colonial structure that commodifies and consumes Ainu people and culture within the frameworks of promoting SDGs, diversity, and addressing environmental issues. This consumption extends beyond the market to academic and intellectual discourse. Treating Ainu people as mere academic topics and ideas leads to overlooking the history of racism and poverty resulting from colonialism, and the suffering and deaths of many Ainu people.

Furthermore, when discussing the Ainu people and colonial structures, understanding the reality in binary terms such as insider/outsider, perpetrator/victim, colonizer/colonized can render invisible the voices and existence of those who do not fit into these dichotomies.

In this issue, we interviewed mai ishihara, an anthropologist at the Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies at Hokkaido University and herself of Ainu descent, on how to resist tokenization/encoding and consumption and think about decolonization regarding the reality that does not fit into the dichotomies.




「アイヌと脱/植民地化」と題したVol. 3では、北海道大学 アイヌ・先住民研究センター准教授で自身もアイヌの出自を持つ人類学者の石原真衣さんとともに、どのようにして記号化や消費に抗い、二元論的な構造に当てはまらない現実における脱植民地化を考えうるか、ということについて思考していきます。

About the project / Decolonize Futuresとは

“Decolonize Futures” is a ZINE project to open up the discussion of the deep history of colonialism and the need of decolonization in Japan and East Asia for the possibilities of plural futures. We criticize the historical violence and ongoing colonialism in the society from perspectives including culture, politics, history, and academics. By doing so, we aim to create a discursive space for decolonization in Japan.

「Decolonize Futures —複数形の未来を脱植民地化する」は、日本/東アジアにおける植民地主義の根深さ・脱植民地化の必要性についての議論を行い、複数形の未来の可能性を作るためのZINEプロジェクト。 文化や政治、歴史、学術など様々な角度で、歴史的な暴力および今の社会に続く植民地主義を批判し、脱植民地化についての言論空間を開いていくことを目的にZINE制作を行っています。

Softcover, 96p., 18.2*12.8 cm, 2024

Editing: Isao Sakai, saki・sohee, mai ishihara
Printed by: Ohkawa Printing Co., Ltd.
Language: Japanese, English



Resisting the Cultural and Theoretical Consumption of Ainu people -- Decolonize Futures Vol. 3 “Ainu and De/Colonization” Book Launch | Aug 20, 2024