2020 Magazine Issue 0 ( iPad Cover )
2020 Magazine Issue 0 ( iPad Cover )
2020 Magazine Issue 0 ( iPad Cover )
2020 Magazine Issue 0 ( iPad Cover )
2020 Magazine Issue 0 ( iPad Cover )
2020 Magazine Issue 0 ( iPad Cover )
2020 Magazine Issue 0 ( iPad Cover )
2020 Magazine Issue 0 ( iPad Cover )

2020 Magazine Issue 0 ( iPad Cover )

2020 Magazine

Regular price $44.00 Sale

2020* is an annual guide for the current year. This, 0, is the first issue. The idea was to create a yearbook made from different perceptions about how 2020 was gonna be. Taking the idea from the fashion calendar, 12 authors from different branches present their vision about the ideas, images and trends for 2020 that have
been developed the year before. It is an exercise about the immediate future from
12 different perspectives, one for each month.
Every year, the magazine will be presented in a completely different way, adapting each publication to the moment they've living and covering a whole decade, from 2020 to 2029.
They wanted to focus on the images, thats why all the texts & credits are compressed in the first and last pages (everything printed in invisible ink). It is a text free experience, where you can pass the pages without caring about anything else but the pictures. A proposal born from the way they expect to behave in the future, less text, more images, pure visual stimulation. The common topic is always about the closest future; where they can see proposals for cities, clothes, porn, food, fashion trends or travel. For this issue 0, they prepared an iPad cover magnet system to keep the magazine standing up as you pass the pages so all you have to care about meanwhile is having fun!
Hidden inside 2020 magazine is an awesome list of 12 contributors who bring their
personal predictions for the year. On the first page you can find a list of codes to guide you around what you’re watching:

Yosi Negrín
Lola Zoido
Jorge Ariza & Andrea Muniáin
Caesar Arenas
Daniel Jordán Pompa
Ronni Campana
Geray Mena
Nacho García
Yufei Liu
Sofía Sanz

Binding: iPad cover style
Size: 16x22cm
Pages: 200
Paper: Shiny 115gr
Specials: Invisible Ink + UV Light Pen
ISSN: 2695-6926