Maiden Voyage
Maiden Voyage
Maiden Voyage
Maiden Voyage
Maiden Voyage
Maiden Voyage
Maiden Voyage
Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage

Amiko Li

Regular price $45.00 Sale

Amiko Li is a visual artist lives between New York and Shanghai. He created a beautiful photo series titled ——Maiden Voyageover the past five years. This work is the diary of a vision of a magic world. These portraits, self-portraits, discovered still lives and florid fragments in Maiden Voyageform a private diary.
We cooperated with Amoki Li to edit his works into a book. It is unique new photobook containing “gilded tableaux of pure delightful uncertainty” builds a distinctive and alluring world around a young photographer’s vision.
Imageless, Wuxi, China
Size: 190*240 mm
Limited Edition: 300