The Village of Nowhere / 无何有之乡
The Village of Nowhere / 无何有之乡
The Village of Nowhere / 无何有之乡
The Village of Nowhere / 无何有之乡
The Village of Nowhere / 无何有之乡
The Village of Nowhere / 无何有之乡
The Village of Nowhere / 无何有之乡
The Village of Nowhere / 无何有之乡
The Village of Nowhere / 无何有之乡

The Village of Nowhere / 无何有之乡

Xiangyue / 象曰

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The Village of Nowhere

Xiangyue Issue 4

This is xiangyue's fourth book, and as always, it contains hundreds of frozen emotions and moments. Unlike the previous books, the selection and editing echo the theme of establishing the order and context of "something" in "nothing".

The idiom of "The village of nowhere" comes from Zhuang Zhou's "Zhuangzi: Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease". Its meaning refers to the place where there is nothing; it is mostly used to refer to the empty and unreal realm or dream, and also used to refer to the state of being at ease.

The Village of Nowhere is a mirror image of the mind, a vast wilderness. One hundred and sixty images from xiangyue‘s readers describe the boundless spiritual space. In The Village of Nowhere, we see a purer motive, a more immersive thinking and feeling, a simpler love and passion. In the book, we also respond to this wilderness with our bare heart and return to the village of nowhere by removing the complexity and simplifying it.

Dimensions: 170 x 240 mm

Editor in chief: Yanyun Ding
Photo editor: Peishan Huang
Copy editor: Linjiang Zhong
Graphic Design: Zhicheng Zhan
Binding design: Peishan Huang